Monday, November 19, 2007

Technorati (Week6:#14)

Technorati Tools are interesting. There are apps for browser buttons, widgets that get your link count, authority and other things. These tools would not be used by someone who is not a "committed" blogger. It's not worth the time if you're just dabbling in blogging. There are interesting blogs under WTF and Popular. Don't expect everything to be like "Boing Boing". Some blogs are people discussing random topics and sometimes just ranting. Whether the information is correct (or coherent) isn't the point here but how many people surfing the next like your site.

If you search for something on Technorati, remember that you will get different links for tags, blogs and posts. I did a search on "Learnig 2.0" First blogs listed have a higher authority than tags or posts.

If you want your blog to appear on Technorati, you need to claim it like I did ( I also created used FeedBurner to tag my blog (

Tagging and (Week 6: #13)

I watched the Otter Group tutorial. It was okay but a little long. It covered the basics about and some ways it can be useful. I thought "Several habits of highly successful users" was useful except for Habit Three: Use the inbox. I could not find the inbox on All I can say about "Us.ef.ul - a beginner's guide to" is that small print made me want to hit "Delete".

I have my own account. Importing your bookmarks is easy. FYI-you may get vague tags this way (i.e imported or personal favorites). No problem! You can rename tags without editing each bookmark or even better-delete the tag from your bookmarks and keep the bookmarks.

I like that you can access other people's items that are tagged the same. You can quickly find other interesting sites this way. Some of the sites might not be exactly what you want but you may finding something interesting that you didn't know before.

Here is the link to my subscription on Fair Trade.