Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Listening to Stories

Reading is something I enjoy doing a lot. I can't stand it when I don't have time to read. Working and going to school can really eat up any extra time you have. Reading a gazillion research articles is nothing compared to a good story. So I tried audio books. They are great- especially when it read by an excellent reader/actor like Jim Dale ( reader of the Harry Potter books). I say actor because a really good reader uses different voices for the characters and conveys what each character feels. Anyway, so I begin borrowing audio books from the library. Sometimes they were available immediately and sometimes I had to wait. But many times I didn't want to wait. So I downloaded audio books from the library using Overdrive or bought books from Audible. But one of my favorite ways to hear new stories is listening to podcasts like Escape Pod. Escape Pod presents science fiction short stories for the public. The readers are good and some are writers of short stories also. Most of the stories are between 30 to 60 minutes long. Go to the site and listen to a story. There are at least five years of stories waiting for you to try.

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